News about the death of Abbey Kay Hebert

I'm searching for answers to the death of my friend's daughter, as many of you are.  Here is a consolidation of the reports I am finding online.
Ray Mitchell, Abbey's Softball Coach said this about this video:
"For those who see this or seen this on CBS Channel 46 there was a huge amount of editing done.
.example#1- it makes it sound like I seen her just prior to her death. The truth is I was sharing a great moment between us when our softball team ( Ga Mystic ) finished in 4th place in Panama City Beach and Abbey came up and told Me that "she loved me and thanks for coaching her all these years".
Example #2- I spoke highly of Abbey Kay Hebert athletic accomplishments and more than that her Academic accomplishments.
Example #3- I spoke of how soft hearted and unslefish she was. She worked with our team to help.with special need kids and other volunteer work in our community.
Exame #4- I concluded by stating that not only did her family and friends loose someone we loved, but the community lost out on having one of its finest members around.
I understand editing for TV time, but tbese were some crucial points I wanted everyone to know about Abbey. My Family and the GA Mystic Softball family thought of her and treated her like a daughter. I Love You AK and there is a void in my heart."

Other Videos:
  • AJC
  • CBS 46 (Cousin claims the pair smoked "suspected marijuana".)
  • Fox 5 News Report tells more about the case than I've heard thus far. (An argument lead to a kitchen knife being used in stabbing; no signs of drug use.)
Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call (770) 499-3945.

If you have access to more reports than what is provided here, please leave a link in the comments below.

Click here to go back to my original story.

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